A - 架构与运维
- A0 - Architecting
- A1 - Load Balancing
- A2 - Redundancy and Backup
- A3 - Scalability
- A4 - Journaling and Monitoring
- A5 - Incident Resolution
- A6 - Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- A7 - Application Isolation
- A8 - Robustness of Services
- A9 - Human Error Prevention
B - 电路与硬件部分
- B0 - Where the Circuit is Built
- B1 - Logic Gates
- B2 - Reading Datasheets
- B3 - Sequential Logic
- B4 - Buffers and Storages
- B5 - Sum of the Parts
- B6 - Fetch-Execute Cycle
- B7 - Flag Register
- B8 - Arithmetic Operations
- B9 - Branching
- B10 - Peripherals
- B11 - Race Condition
- B12 - Timings and Glitches
- B13 - Pipeline
- B14 - Branch Prediction
- B15 - Out-of-order Execution
- B16 - Profiling in Hardware Designs
C - 编译
- C0 - Compilers
- C1 - Regular Expression
- C2 - Context-free Grammar
- C3 - Dumb Assembler
- C4 - Pseudo-instructions
- C5 - Machine Code Optimizing: Trimming Unreachable Code
- C6 - Machine Code Optimizing: Trimming Ineffective Operations
- C7 - Machine Code Optimizing: Out-of-order Execution
- C8 - Intermediate Representation
- C9 - LL, LR and LALR Grammar
- C10 - Syntax and Semantics
- C11 - Variables and Assignments
- C12 - Branches
- C13 - Loops
- C14 - Subroutine
- C15 - Functions
- C16 - Scopes
- C17 - Inclusion of Other Files
- C18 - Macros
- C19 - Static Typing System
- C20 - Iterator
- C21 - Generics
- C22 - Metadata
- C23 - Library and Linking
- C24 - Reflection
- C25 - Just-in-time Compiler: Identifying Hot-spots
- C26 - Just-in-time Compiler: Patching Interpreted Calls
- C27 - Just-in-time Compiler: Profiling Code
- C28 - Just-in-time Debugger: Introduction
D - 数据管理
- D0 - Data Management
- D1 - File Systems
- D2 - Indexing a String
- D3 - Relations in Data
- D4 - Sorting a List
- D5 - Indexing a List
- D6 - Relational Database
- D7 - Transactions and Eventual Consistency
- D8 - Associative Array
- D9 - Documents and Sets
- D10 - Sorting a Set
- D11 - Indexing a Set
- D12 - Non-relational Database
- D13 - Immutability and Concurrency
- D14 - Key-value Storage
- D15 - Log Storage
- D16 - Distributed Log Storage
G - 计算机图形
- G0 - Computer Graphics
- G1 - Video Signals
- G2 - Implementing a Graphics Card
- G3 - Drawing Pixels One Clock at a Time
- G4 - Drawing Lines and Rasterization
- G5 - Filling Areas
- G6 - Drawing Circles
- G7 - Rotate and Resize
- G8 - Into a 3D World
- G9 - Path Tracing
- G10 - Normals and Normal Maps
- G11 - Vertex-based Shading
- G12 - Motion Blur
- G13 - Depth of Field
H - 人机交互
- H0 - Human-Machine Interaction
- H1 - A Bit of History
- H2 - Cognitive Limitations
- H3 - Guidelines for Keyboard and Mouse Interactions
- H4 - Guidelines for Touch Interactions
- H5 - A Perspective on Virtual Reality Interactions
- H6 - A Perspective on Mixed Reality Interactions
L - 机器学习
- L0 - Machine Learning
- L1 - Linear Algebra Recap
- L2 - Simple Neural Network
- L3 - Gradient Descend
- L4 - Features of Data
- L5 - Convolutional Neural Network
- L6 - Long-Short-Term Memory Network
- L7 - Alchemy of the Data
- L8 - Generative Network
- L9 - Genetic Algorithm
- L10 - The Score of the Game
- L11 - Generative Adversarial Network
- L12 - The Imitation Game
- L13 - Pattern Matching and Reasoning
M - 数学部分
- M0 - Computer in Math
- M1 - Turing Machine
- M2 - Lambda Calculus
- M3 - Typing
- M4 - Finite State Machine
- M5 - Stack Machine and Register Machine
- M6 - Incompleteness of Logic
- M7 - Formal Verification
N - 计算机网络
- N0 - Computer Networks
- N1 - Network Interface Card
- N2 - Layers of Protocols
- N3 - Ethernet
- N4 - Internet Protocol and User Datagram Protocol
- N5 - Transmission Control Protocol
- N6 - Address Resolution Protocol
- N7 - Internet Control Message Protocol
- N8 - Domain Name Resolution Protocol
- N9 - Other Related Application Protocols
- N10 - How Exactly Do I Load A Web Page?
- N11 - Spanning Tree Protocol
- N12 - Border Gateway Protocol
- N13 - Self-healing Computer Networks
- N14 - Managing Heterogeneous Networks
O - 操作系统
- O0 - Operating Systems
- O1 - Basic Input/Output System
- O2 - Simple Memory Management
- O3 - Task Scheduling
- O4 - Macro-kernel and Micro-kernel
- O5 - Inter-task Operations
- O6 - Task Privileges
- O7 - Paging and Virtual Memory
- O8 - System calls
- O9 - File Systems
- O10 - Userspace Programs
- O11 - Bootstrapping
- O12 - Overcommitting
- O13 - Threading
- O14 - Deadlock Prevention
S - 数据结构(与算法?)
- S0 - Data Structure
- S1 - Memory Model
- S2 - Linear Container
- S3 - Semi-linear Container
- S4 - Hierarchical Container
- S5 - Discrete Container
- S6 - Complexity of Code
- S7 - Time-Space Tradeoff
- S8 - Generators and Streams
- S9 - Purity of Functions
- S10 - Lazy Evaluation and Result Caching
- S11 - Dynamic Programming
- S12 - More on Recursive Calls
T - 一般技巧
- T0 - Tips for Git Gud
- T1 - Coding Style
- T2 - Reusing Snippets
- T3 - Divide and Conquer
- T4 - Human Compatibility
- T5 - Documenting a Code
- T6 - Testing and Debugging
- T7 - Assumes Nothing, Asserts Everything
- T8 - Build Your Knowledge Base
- T9 - Meet Arbitrary Deadlines*
V - 计算机视觉
- V0 - Computer Vision
- V1 - Colour Space
- V2 - Edge Detection
- V3 - More Experiments with Convolution Cores
- V4 - Colour Blob Tracking
- V5 - Optic Flow
- V6 - Feature Tracking
- V7 - Panning Solver
- V8 - Rotation Solver
- V9 - Scale Solver
- V10 - Combining Solvers
- V11 - Depth Perception
- V12 - Rolling Shutter and Global Shutter
- V13 - Compensate for Distortion
- V14 - Handwritten Glyph Recognition
- V15 - Face Recognition
X - 密码
- X0 - Encryptions
- X1 - Simple Ciphers
- X2 - Stream Ciphers
- X3 - Block Ciphers
- X4 - Symmetric Ciphers
- X5 - Asymmetric Ciphers
- X6 - Authentication and Trust
- X7 - Key Distribution and Negotiation
- X8 - Secret Distribution
- X9 - Side-Channel Attack
- X10 - Social Engineering
- X11 - An Introduction to Post-quantum Ciphers